
Sunday, May 19, 2019

Opposing Viewpoints: Jefferson and the Lousiana Purchase

Jefferson Goes Against His Own Philosophy lanthanum barter for The atomic number 57 Purchase was the acquisition by the United States of the States in 1803 of 828,000 square miles of Frances claim to the territory of Louisiana. The Louisiana territory encompassed either or part of 15 current U. S. states and two Canadian provinces. At the time, the obtain faced domestic opposition because it was thought to be unconstitutional. Although Thomas Jefferson agreed that the U. S. shaping did not contain alimentation for acquiring territory, he inflexible to go right ahead with the purchase some(prenominal)way in hostelry to remove Frances presence in the region and to protect both U. S. trade access to the port of oerbold Orleans and free passage on the Mississippi River. Thomas Jefferson was strongly anti-federalist. While he power have pen the Declaration of Independence, he definitely did not author the Constitution. Instead, that document was mainly written by James Madison. Jefferson spoke against a strong federal government and instead advocated states rights.He feared tyranny of any kind and only recognized the need for a strong, central government in terms of orthogonal affairs. He felt that all powers given to the National Government were enumerated. If they were not expressly mentioned in the Constitution then they were reserved to the states. By completing this purchase, Jefferson had to put aside his principles because the allowance for this type of transaction was not expressly listed in the Constitution. Jeffersons philosophical consistency was in question because of his strict interpretation of the Constitution.Many people believed Jefferson were organism hypocritical by doing something they surely would have argued against with Alexander Hamilton. There were several effects of Jeffersons decision to go against his own philosophy. It can be argued that his taking liberties with the Constitution in the name of need would lead to future Presi dents feeling justified with a continual increase in the elasticity of the Constitution. Jefferson should rightly be remembered for the cracking deed of purchasing this enormous tract of land, but one wonders if he might regret the convey in which he earned this fameNecessary and Beneficial Westward Expansion Louisiana Purchase The Louisiana Purchase was one of the largest land deals in history. In 1803, the United States paid approximately $15 million dollars for over 800,000 square miles of land. The purchase spurred along the beginning of Americas fascination with exploring the west. With the purchase of this new territory, the land area of America nearly doubled. This land deal was arguably the greatest achievement of Thomas Jeffersons presidency, but also present a major philosophical problem for Jefferson.As a strong Republican, Jefferson did not believe in cast from the exact words of the Constitution. With the Louisiana Purchase, Jefferson had clearly not followed his own strict interpretation of the Constitution. Federalist critics howled that the Constitution nowhere permitted the federal government to purchase new land. Jefferson was troubled by the inconsistency, but in the end decided that the Constitutions treaty-making pro romances allowed him room to act. As a president, he wisely allowed for his own views to bend in collection to better the nation as a whole.Although Jeffersons view of strict-interpretation did not allow for the purchase, Jeffersons actions were justified. postponement for a Constitutional amendment might cause the deal to fall through and through. In 1801, Spain and France signed a occult treaty ceding Louisiana to France. France suddenly posed a potential threat to America. There was a fear that if America did not purchase New Orleans from France, it could lead to war. The change of ownership of this separate port resulted in its closing to Americans. Therefore, Jefferson sent envoys to France to try and secure its pu rchase.With increased pressure, Jefferson decided to go through with the purchase. Luckily, the people of the United States basically agreed that this was an excellent move. The Louisiana Purchase demonstrates Jeffersons ability to make practical(a) political decisions. Although contrary to some of his central principles, guaranteeing western expansion was so important to Jeffersons overall vision that he took bold action. Increased resources, westward expansion, and a growing sense of national pride all resulted from the purchase. The gains were dramatic, as the territory acquired would in time add 13 new states to the union.

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