
Saturday, May 18, 2019

Differences Between Female Japanese and English Mill Workers Essay

Despite the fact that Japan and England had some similarities with womanly sub studyers, they still had a few differences. They basically had young children and women working in extensive dangerous factories making thread or in mines. So how were their experiences opposite? Female Japanese workers had to work more than, they got paid less, and they accepted the role that their society gave them.Compared to English women mill workers, Japanese women worked more. English female workers lone(prenominal) worked about 74 hours a week and Japanese female workers worker 91 hours a week (Document 5). This was because the Japanese workers worked longer each day, had less holidays, and worked on weekends (Document 8). English female workers had more breaks, worked shorter hours each day, and did non work on weekends. This is a big difference between female English and Japanese mill workers.Even though in both England and Japan women got pair less than men, Japanese women got paid le vel less than English women. This is a reason why they had so many workers. Since they paid them less they would be able to hire more workers and increase their production rate. Even though they got paid less, it was for the same reason. why would they want to overcompensate women less? They paid women less because the women needed money and they would accept any union given to them (Document 8).Japan and England have different ways they treat women and because of that the Japanese women accepted almost everything they went by in the mills. In Japan the women were treated a little less fairly. Japanese women were more impulsive to accept their role in society because they couldnt do much about it (Document 8).This is the reason that female Japanese mill workers got low pay and worked more hours. In their society the men were regard ased more and had more freedom.Female Japanese workers had to work more, they got paid less, and they accepted the role that their society gave them . Although their situations were almost the same, the different cultures had a big part to do with the way women were treated while working. England treated their women with more respect while Japan just thought that women needed to support their families by working all the time. This is all-important(a) because it was a way for people to discriminate against women and make them work at bad places with low pay and many working hours.

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